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Writer's picturevardhanaayushi546

Staying aware of the…

More often than not I feel the need to keep up with the impression that people have of me, the happy, jumpy girl. Don’t get me wrong, I love being the little ray of sunshine in your lives but this need for me to keep up with that tag hasn’t always been a healthy journey. Yes! I’m a happy jumpy girl but I have my days too and people don’t know about these days because I manage to hide it so well, but why do I feel the need to hide my emotions?

Well, one because voicing how you feel might not come in line with what the other person expects from you, and two, we all feel the pressure to be perfect, and perfect means only showing positive emotions. Let me tell you what’s wrong with both these things.

By hiding your emotions and keeping up with the impression that people have of you can get pretty exhausting. A lot of people have always told me that I’m too naive, too nice, and very innocent and because of that I’d often find myself keeping my opinion to myself, I would find it quite difficult to explain to a person something that I don’t like about them because I didn’t want them to think that I am being too opinionated or mean but in the end, I was the only one suffering.

This is wrong because then you’re expecting a person to change but they don’t even know what they’re doing wrong. If they did something to you and you don’t call them out, who’s to say they won’t do it to someone else? It starts off a chain reaction, so the sooner you tell a person about their bad habit or unacceptable behavior the more drama you’re saving yourself and others.

Another reason we feel the need to keep up with the image is because we’re too scared of what people will think if you did something out of the ordinary. If doing something different is what gives you peace of mind and helps you grow, I honestly don’t see why you should be listening to these “Other people”. Where’s the need for that? “The society” ”These people” are never going to be happy with what you do, so why follow these norms? Why hold yourself back for people who don’t want what’s best for you but only what’s best for them!!

I’ve been stuck in this cycle more times than I can count but I know I have changed now. I don’t keep my opinions to myself. I understand that it’s hard to talk about some things but there’s always a good way of saying it. Find a way through instead of a way out and you’ll see it working wonders for you.

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